It’s time to say goodbye to 2024. The prospect of a new year can be both exhilarating and intimidating. Progress often gets eclipsed by our inherent desire for change, when really they’re interconnected. Change doesn’t happen instantaneously. It takes time and patience.
2024 was a year of progress and patience, both within the core of my being, and the facets of my life which are more visible to the outside world. Bella settled into a new apartment and is finding her footing as a young adult. It’s crazy to think she is now the age I was when I met her papa.
The very hard decision was made to switch Virginia from public school to homeschooling. We tried tirelessly for three years to make public school work. Unfortunately the system is stacked against neurodivergent kids, and focused on the wrong details in general in regards to what matters in education. There have been many growing pains as we navigate the road ahead since choices for a high school diploma outside of a traditional school is very limited in New York State.